Well this section is currently dedicated to challenges from various fandoms that I have posted to several lists. The ones located here are too small to have a seperate page yet. Well see how many I think up as time passes....... |
A List Member on one of the Buffy TVS Slash lists asked me to think
up some challenges for a Adult/HP Slash list<Revolves around the Adult
characters only> I thought up 16 Challenges for it.....Yipes!
Alpha gains the assistance from his old friends Snape & Lord 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named' Voldemort to aid in his attacks on the MiB. Severus Snape abducts Agent Jay, does nasty things to him. The MiB will need the help of all Hogswroths to put a stop to them..... - Must be M/M(Jay/Kay, Zed/Hagrid)
During Season 2-3 of BTVS
- Must lead to m/m(Xander/Percy, Giles/Xander, Giles SR/Dumbledore)
William Boone prevents an attack on the Taelons by Severus Snape but
it dammages his mind horribly sending a massive visions of possible future
events to ravage his mind and soul. Headmaster Albus Dumbledore of the
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and friend of Auger's family
comes to help repair the damage.
- Must be M/M<?>(Boone/Da'nn, Sandoval/Zo'or)
What if Hagrid had been transported to Middle Earth before & during
the Fellowship Of The Ring saga during a magical accident...caused by Dumbledore
who now must try to reclaim his friend back to this realm
- Must be M/M(Gimli/Hagrid, Gimli/Legolas, Hagrid/Dumbledore)
What if Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, Harry, Hermione & Ron had been
accidently transported to the dimention of "Middle Earth" during the Fellowship
Of The Ring because of an old ring(Not that one,folks). Merry, Pippen,
Hermione, Harry and Ron join forces to bring Gimli and Legolas to admit
their feelings for each other while also planning to bring their Headmaster
and Gandalf together. Devious little minds with idle hands:)
- Must be M/M(Gimli/Legolas, Gandalf/Dumbledore)
What if Harrison Blackwood attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry after the deaths of his parents during the 1954 invasion and adoption into the Forrester family. Just suppose that his Foster father had attended the school along with Harrison's real parents. Now as an adult Harrison also has the talents of his family that he keeps hidden from his current friends that is until the Mothern aliens discover Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..... - Must be M/M(Blackwood/Snape<PSR>, Blackwood/Ironhorse)
PSR:Past Sexual Relationship
Dt. Frank Kohanek had trained at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry until a corrupt classmate caused a horrible accident that caused a death of his best friend plus buried his talents away deep within him. Now years later when a insane Brujah attacks Frank his long buried talents are unleashed once more which saves his life. But an old enemy is heading his way with his old teachers and friends following to prevent history from repeating itself. - must be m/m(Frank/Julian, Frank/Snape<UST>)
UST:Unrequited Sexual Tension
Thrush is attempting to infiltrate Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to gain knowledge to destroy U.N.C.L.E. within a hidden space in the school. But Agents Solo & Kuryakin are sent in to help root them out after Headmaster Albus Dumbledore contacts his old lover Waverly..... - must be m/m(Waverly/Dumbledore, Solo/Kuryakin)
Professor Slatero Quirrell & Madam Xiomara Hooch are examining what appears to be an old magical relic brought to them by William Weasley which they accidently trigger a spell that sends all three of them across the galaxy to another world..... - must be m/m, f/f(Dirk/Eric, William/Quirrell, Hooch/Ariel)
One of cruelest of the 113 souls that escaped hell is hiding out within Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. - must be m/m(Stone/Lucien, Stone/Quirrell<UST>)
While investigating Xev<Zev> accidently discovers Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on a quiet backwater planet and decides to see if they have any magic that can restore Kai back to life. They refuse to help her with such forbidden knowledge that they keep locked away. Snapes decides to go against the wishes of the school, giving her the knowledge she needs but it backfires horribly....for her or does it:) - must be M/M,M/F,F/F(Kai/Stan, Xev/Snape, Xev/Madam Xiomara Hooch )
Headmaster Albus Dumbledore calls upon the aid of a very old friend to teach the history classes for the 2nd year students....but can the two withstand the history between them? Or will their past betray them once again? - must be m/m(Headmaster Albus Dumbledore/Adam Pierson(Methos)
What if when Peter was separated from his father after the attack on
the monestary, he was sent to the same school where his maternal grandfather
attended long ago called Hogworth's instead of ending up in the orphanage?
Would he still become a police officer? Would he eventually meet up with
his father once more? How different would he have become?
- Must be M/M(Peter/William Weasley)
Dr. John Watson attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a young boy. Now years later his past is about to arrive in the form of his Professor Albus Dumbledore seeking aid from Watson's friend Sherlock Holmes to help discover who murdered one of the professors and what happened to the most forbidden Tome.... - must be m/m(Watson/Dumbledore, Holmes/Watson)
(Dumbledore is 150 years old so it is possible)
Peter's Mother was schooled at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
as a child but for some reason she never told Peter(you decide why, perhaps
that might be why he attracts ghosts so much). Now an ancient evil(demon)
is awakening at the school drawing strength and power through the bloodlines
of four established families of magic of which Peter is a part of....
- must be m/m(Peter/Egon, Peter's Mother/Madam Xiomara Hooch)
I don't believe that they ever stated what her name was in RGB Series so you get to pick one.... **********************************
A magical accident occurs between Weirdsister College and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry caused by Starfinder which has an odd effect on the teachers of both schools drawing them all together on the solstice at Stonehenge..... - must be m/m & f/f(Shakeshaft/Dumbledore,Starfinder/Quirrell, McGonagall/Thunderblast,
Jenny Wendle/Hooch,)
Submitted to the list by DSRT
Everything within this website is strictly for the enjoyment of fans of the various series, movies, Comic books, animated series that I and others within the other 3 archives located through this site enjoy. Tthis is a purely fanish venture, no money has or ever will exchange hands. We are all so very poor. All characters, places, and objects from various shows/books/movies belong to their respective creators. All stories here are written with the love of the show in mind. This is a slash/adult fan created site only, basically it is for the use of the fans themselves. We are a quiet society who enjoys this type of storlines and won't tolereate any flames. You should have read the warning signs before entering this site. |