Welcome to Menemosynes Realm Of The Demented
Muses which is basically a place for me to archive the fanfics of the Mailing
lists I run plus a place for me to archive my own challenges and Fanfics/Poetry
as well. I am also on a number of mailing lists as well as the ones I run
and I have come up with quite a substancial amount of Challenges within
a varied number of fandoms such a Buffy TVS, RGB, Lexx, Xena, Sherlock
Holmes, MiB, WOTW, and much much more.....under various aliases such as
MS, DS, RT, Raven, Cerri, DSRT, and several more. I've thought up
a lot of challenges and finally I decided that I should put them up in
a corner of the Mailing list Archives I run. So some of you might recognise
a challenge that you may have seen by one of the above names....yes that
is me:) Hope that you all enjoy my demented muses<EG>. |