Dark - Zone - Liaisons
Mailing List & Submission Guidelines
 Mailing List Information
Welcome to the Dark - Zone - Liaisons mailing list as I have stated I created this list to promote and showcase Lexx the Series fan fiction on the web.  This list is primarily for slash / adult fanfics but we do also have regular {Gen} fiction too.  The rules here are pretty simple. Have fun, support our writers with constructive feedback but ABSOULTELY NO FLAMES WILL BE TOLERATED!!!  If you are not a member and wish to join please use the below link to subscribe to the Dark - Zone - Liaisons list {you must be of Legal Age to join}. 
Click to subscribe to Dark-Zone-Liaisons


Sumission Guidelines

I added this to help the ones who are in doubt of how to go about posting a story to the list. To make 
sure everyone can enjoy your stories when you post them, here are some suggestions on formats to follow if needed. 

Subject Line: 
FIC: "Story Title" (Part number/Total # of parts) 
{e.g.}FIC: Lexx's Wild adventures 1/5 

If you are unsure how many parts you will have to your story you can put a 
"?" for the total number of parts 
{e.g.}FIC: Lexx's Wild adventures 1/? 

Before the story, please include the following information: 

Archive: yes or no, and where {Dark - Zone - Liaisons} 
EXAMPLE:{you can adjust the order as desired} 

Archive: Yes for Dark-Zone-Liaisons, and anywhere else please ask 

Pairings: you might want to indicate which characters are going to romantically involved in your story, unless it is meant to be a surprise to the reader. 

Examples Of Pairings
K/S: Kai/Stanley 
K/Pr: Kai/Prince 
K/X: Kai/Xev(2) 
K/Z: Kai/Zev(1) 
K/B: Kai/Bunny 
K/F: Kai/Fifi 
K/?: Kai/?{Whoever} 

S/K: Stan/Kai 
S/P: Stanley/Prince 
S/Ly: Stan/Lyekka 
S/X: Stan/Xev(2) 
S/Z: Stanley/Zev(1) 
S/?: Stan/?{Whoever} 

X/?: Xev(2)/?{Whoever} 
X/790: Xev/790 
Z/?: Zev(1)/? 
Z/Ly: Zev(1)/Lyekka 
Z/K: Zev(1)/Kai 
Z/S: Zev(1)/Stanley 
Ly/?: Lyekka/?{Whoever} 
Ly/S: Lyekka/Stanley 
790/?: 790/?{Whoever} 
790/X: 790/Xev(2) 
790/Z: 790/Zev(1) 
L/?: Lexx/?{Whoever} 
?/?: guess who 
Warnings & Categories: please note here any content that might not be to all readers liking, 
for instance: rape, character death, graphic violence, slash (m/m situations), heterosexual situations, 
bondage/S&M situations,necrophilla, etc. Use your best judgement. 
My Examples
gen: general 
Ad: Adult 
/ : Slash {m/m,or f/f} 
het: heterosexual 
PWP: Plot what plot 
GS: Graphic Sex 
GV: Graphic Violence 
BDSM:bondage, discipline/domination, sadism and masochism 
SV: Sexual Violence 
SVR: Sexual Violence - Rape 
cd:character Death 
necro: necrophilla 
POV:Point of View 
AU: Alternative-Universe 
FT: First Time 
 Personally, I think that you can just use the above selection of abbreviations for any warnings you 
wish to use in your posts. 

Summary: if you wish, a brief 1 or 2-line story summary, notes if the story is part of a series, etc. 
This information will be useful for the archive. 

EXAMPLE:{you can adjust the order as desired} 

Archive: Yes for Dark-Zone-Liaisons, and anywhere else please ask 
FIC: Lexx's Wild adventures 1/5 
Pairing(s): Kai/Xev, Stan/? 
Warnings:m/f, necro, 
Summary: latest installment of "Lexx's Wild adventures" 

Feedback : Yes or No 

EXAMPLE:{you can adjust the order as desired} 

Archive: Yes for Dark-Zone-Liaisons, and anywhere else please ask 
FIC:  Lexx's Wild adventures 2/5 
Pairing(s): Kai/Xev, Stan/? 
Warnings: m/f, necro 
Summary: latest installment of "Lexx's Wild Adventures" 
Feedback : Yes but please no flames 

Spoilers: Yes or no 

EXAMPLE:{you can adjust the order as desired} 

Archive: Yes for Dark-Zone-Liaisons, and anywhere else please ask 
FIC:  Lexx's Wild adventures 2/5 
Pairing(s): Kai/Xev, Stan/? 
Warnings: m/f, necro 
Spoilers: yes for Brigadoom 
Summary: latest installment of "Lexx's Wild Adventures" 
Feedback : Yes but please no flames 

Author: Your writing  name here please 

EXAMPLE:{you can adjust the order as desired} 

Archive: Yes for Dark-Zone-Liaisons, and anywhere else please ask 
FIC:  Lexx's Wild adventures 2/5 
Author: DS 
Pairing(s): Kai/Xev, Stan/? 
Warnings: m/f, necro 
Spoilers: yes for Brigadoom 
Summary: latest installment of "Lexx's Wild Adventures" 
Feedback : Yes but please no flames 

A Final Example
FIC:  Lexx's Wild adventures 2/5 
Author: DS 
Pairing(s): Kai/Stan, Xev/? 
Archive: Yes for Dark-Zone-Liaisons, and anywhere else please ask 
Warnings: m/nm, necro 
Spoilers: yes for Brigadoom 
Summary: latest installment of "Lexx's Wild Adventures" 
Feedback : Yes but please no flames at XXnt@zzzzzzz.www


Very Important: 

Be careful when formatting your story since any special characters such as "smart quotes", tabs, ellipses, often will get garbled and make it difficult for people to read your story. A way to avoid this is to save your story in "Text only" format, close the file, and then re-open it. "Cut and paste" your story into your email message, and you should be fine! Please Don't Send stories as file attachments, as some people cannot accept attached files through their email provider or program {and they do not show up on the Yahoogroups archives digests}. 

This website was created using Netscape Composer and Photo House for the Graphics.
This is an  Fan site dedicated to the  tv Series entitled Lexx Stories From the Dark Zone, this is a purely fanish venture no money is made from any of the content located among these pages. This site is primarily for the display of fanfiction created by the members of the  mailing list. Which is of a slash/adult nature. This site is a fannish venture, no money is made at all - This site was created  in hopes of promoting more Lexx Stories From the Dark Zone works in any form in the future. This is a purely fanish venture, no money has or ever will exchange hands. We are all so very  poor.  All characters, places, and objects from various shows/books/movies belong to their respective creators. All stories here are written with the love of the show in mind.