Menemosyne's Realm
The Demented Muses


Welcome to Menemosynes Realm Of The Demented Muses which is basically a place for me to archive the fanfics of the Mailing lists I run plus a place for me to archive my own challenges and Fanfics/Poetry as well. I am also on a number of mailing lists as well as the ones I run and I have come up with quite a substancial amount of Challenges within a  varied number of fandoms such a Buffy TVS, RGB, Lexx, Xena, Sherlock Holmes, MiB, WOTW, and much much more.....under various aliases such as MS, DS, RT, Raven, Cerri, DSRT, and several more.  I've thought up a lot of challenges and finally I decided that I should put them up in a corner of the Mailing list Archives I run. So some of you might recognise a challenge that you may have seen by one of the above names....yes that is me:) Hope that you all enjoy my demented muses<EG>.
My Muses Challenges 
My Fanfics
What's New


 Construction began December 1, 2001
TDM Site opened on  Febuary 5, 2002
Site Updated on  April 29, 2002
This website was created using Netscape Composer and Photo House for the Graphics.
Everything within this website is strictly for the enjoyment of  fans of the various series, movies, Comic books, animated series that I and others within the other 3 archives located through this site enjoy. This is a purely fanish venture, no money has or ever will exchange hands. We are all so very  poor.  All characters, places, and objects from various shows/books/movies belong to their respective creators. All stories here are written with the love of the show in mind. This is a slash/adult fan created site only,  basically it is for the use of the fans themselves. We are a quiet society who enjoys this type of storlines and won't tolereate any flames. You should have read the warning signs before entering this site.