Welcome To
The Archive by Date
Archive by Date 

Welcome to the Dark Zone Liaisons Archive by date section of the Dark-Zone-Liaisons 
mailing list archives.  Here is where the stories are catelogued by their Date. 


Titles & Authors
Aura Torben, or One Slap is Not Enough
By Dominique Modiano and Stormborn
Kai on assignment for his Divine Shadow extracts info from.......
September 2, 2001
by NeuroScholar
In which Xev and Kai get some hard-earned happiness 
Het, NC-17
July 24, 2001
The Last Stop
By Dominique Modiano
Prince explores some kinky issues with Kai 
June 18, 2001
"The 790 Horror TV Show
by Mel Hyland
‘Wake The Dead’ as envisioned by Richard O‘Brien, or  
Lexx does the Rocky Horror Show.(WIP)
PG-13 for language 
Oct 18, 2000
"A Bad Answer
by Dominique Modiano
Prince Kai and Fifi make a deal
NC-17, m/m
Oct 13, 2000
"Warmed Over
By Jerboa & Lemur
Kai and Stan enjoy a 'moment' together.
Sept 3 2000
Gundam Wing/Lexx   "Untitled
By Sephiroth
A GW/Lexx X-Over
Aug 11 2000
By Jade
Sequel to Jaina; The Lexx finds itself in trouble when it arrives on  
a strange-but familiar-planet, but things get much worse when their prisoner escapes
AU Mature
July 27 2000
"Fortuitous Malfunction
by Lexxentric
Psycho Kai was one thing, but this new one seems to please Xev a lot.
m/f, necro, FT
July 24 2000
By Jerboa
Poem about Kai
Main characters
July 22, 2000
"Memories 5 : 
To Move Is To Die
By Dominique Modiano
How Kai lost his virginity...and a more than a few illusions about life
NC-17 for sex, drugs and violence
July 17, 2000
"Kai's Fetish
By Brother Theo
Work In progress - See Title
Main Characters
July 17, 2000
"Burst Of Life
By Jerboa
An AU  look at Zev's Burst of Life from the Lexx movie  Supernova".
Het, AU
July 17, 2000
"Frozen Tongue
By Dominique Modiano, 
JenPinto, and Jennix
Xev takes a dare. No sex -- just a hellova kiss. 
See title
Gen, PG-13 
Humor, body fluids 
July 17, 2000
"Memories 4 : Tattoo
By Dominique Modiano
How Kai earned his Brunnen-G tattoo (Part four of the "Memories" series)
PG-14 for violence
June 25, 2000
"Memories 3: Balloons
By DominiqueModiano
While Kai searches for  
Xev & Stanley he remembers how much he liked balloons. (Part 3 of the Memories"series.)
het slash NC-17
April 26, 2000
" Tastes Yummy
By DominiqueModiano
Lyekka makes Xev happy.
f/f, slash, NC-17
April 22, 2000
" Kaila
By Sephiroth
Lyekka makes a gift for Xev & Kai. WIP
Main Characters 
April 9, 2000
" Infinity.1:Jaina
by Jade
The crew of the Lexx find a travel pod containing a mysterious woman
Main characters 
April 4, 2000
" Dead & Devoted
By Sephiroth
WIP - Stan accidently programs Kai
March 26, 2000
" Mind Over Matter
by Rhondda Lake
An Energy Alien gives Xev what she wants
PWP,Graphic sex
March 5, 2000
"Beyond Darkness
By Jerboa
A Kai Comes back to life story
March 5, 2000
"Kai's Fetish
By Brother Theo
Work In progress - See Title
Main Characters
Febuary 13, 2000
"Memories 2 : 
By DominiqueModiano
Kai remembers his first kiss  (Part Two of Memories series)
m/f situations
Febuary 13, 2000
"Memories 1: 
Sweet Dreams " 
By DominiqueModiano
Kai remembers a past love (Part One of Memories series)
NC-17, FT 
m/m,  Graphic Sex 
January 25, 2000
By Sephiroth
AU- First Time: What if Trager hadn't been killed
Stan/Trager(main), Randor/Kai(NC) 
NC, m/m
January 25, 2000
"Today I Thodin...
by Juxian Tang
Kai kills Thodin.
AU , NC-17
January 25, 2000
"Right Timing
By Brother Theo
None it would spoil it too much
Main Characters
January 16, 2000
"I Love Life
By Brother Theo
Bad Kai! Naughty Kai!
Kai Main character
January 16, 2000
"Black Widow
By Brother Theo
It would ruin 
it for you.  But if you really need a hint see the title.
Main Characters
January 16, 2000
This website was created using Netscape Composer and Photo House for the Graphics.
This is an  Fan site dedicated to the  tv Series entitled Lexx Stories From the Dark Zone, this is a purely fanish venture no money is made from any of the content located among these pages. This site is primarily for the display of fanfiction created by the members of the  mailing list. Which is of a slash/adult nature. This site is a fannish venture, no money is made at all - This site was created  in hopes of promoting more Lexx Stories From the Dark Zone works in any form in the future. This is a purely fanish venture, no money has or ever will exchange hands. We are all so very  poor.  All characters, places, and objects from various shows/books/movies belong to their respective creators. All stories here are written with the love of the show in mind.